Part B Insurance covers necessary doctor services, including office visits, certain outpatient services and many doctor services for hospital inpatient treatment. It also covers many preventive services. It typically pays 80% of costs. The remaining 20% is your responsibility.
Medicare Part A is for hospitalization.
Medigap Supplemental Insurance
A Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) policy is purchased by you to cover some or all of the remaining 20% health care costs, like:
- Copayments
- Coinsurance
- Deductibles
- Various procedures
Follow this link for more Medicare information.
Medicare also covers services provided by other health care providers, like these:
- Physician assistants
- Nurse practitioners
- Clinical social workers
- Physical therapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Speech language pathologists
- Clinical psychologists
You pay 20% of the Medicare-Approved Amount for most services. You pay nothing for certain preventive services if your doctor or other provider accepts assignment. The Part B deductible applies.
Covered Wellness Visits
A Welcome to Medicare visit is covered for your visit to our office. Your preventive visit must occur in the first 12 months when you join Medicare. It includes:
- Recording and evaluating your height, weight and vital signs
- Depression assessment
- Selected screening tests
- Vision check
- A health plan for immunizations, screening and other preventative measures
Once you have been enrolled in Medicare for 12 months, you may schedule covered annual wellness visits. Please fill in and bring these forms when you come in for a Wellness visit.